TL;DR I recently purchased and installed a Starlane WID-B data logger in my 2012 BMW S100RR so that I could improve my lap times at the track. I created two videos to share my experiences with others.
- Part 1 – Starlane WID-B Installation
- Part 2 – Starlane WID-B Analysis

I’m an avid motorcycle rider, and enjoy improving my performance and lap times while riding at the track. I also work as an SRE (Site Reliability Engineer) in a large production computing environment. I’m primarily focused on backend systems, where performance (i.e. latency) is critical. To improve performance of computing systems, or just about anything for that matter, it must be measured.
For the last couple of years, I’ve looked for a reasonably priced data logger for my 2012 BMW S1000RR. BMW provides one, but I wasn’t keen on giving out USD 1000+ for the HP Parts Race Datalogger. I am only a track day rider, and no professional.
After quite a bit of research I learned that Starlane, the maker of my CORSRO-R GPS, produces WID (Wireless Input Device) device modules that collect signals from the bike. Searching for real-life experience information for these devices was basically impossible though. In the end, I chose to buy the WID-B from Starlane Germany.
In order to share some real-life experience with the Starlane WID-B, I filmed my first YouTube videos and shared them with the world. Perhaps this will encourage other track riders out there to install one of their own to improve their own lap times.